CEO Blog

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New to Multifamily Investing?

Tax Season Update: K-1s and New Tax Relief Bill

Welcome back! As we head into the last full week of January 2024, there are plenty of things in progress. TAXES Tax season is upon us! In less than 2 months our K-1s will need to be complete so we’re wrapping up December financials to get over to our CPA by the end of the […]

Economic Update: Inflation and Producer Prices

It’s another Tuesday after a holiday (they all lined up quite nicely this year so far) and we’re back at it for another week. While our leadership team and most of our onsite teams were working yesterday (no rest for the weary), we offered the day off to anyone who wanted to take it. On […]

Multifamily Critical Success Factors – Retention

I hope your week is off to a good start and happy Wednesday. Yes, it’s Wednesday, not Tuesday. Just keeping it interesting over here. I usually write my CEO blog on Monday to send out on Tuesday but unfortunately it wasn’t meant to be this week. I struggled with a migraine all day on Monday […]

Average Occupancy Headed to GFC Lows?

Hope you had a great weekend and welcome back to a new week! Last week I was up in Atlanta to review our Avenue33 and City Park deals. We walked units, discussed interior finishes, renovation progress, resident challenges, and the ever important maintenance to-do list. A critical success factor in any business is being able […]

Bond Yields Hit New Highs As Sellers Outweigh Buyers

Hello and happy Tuesday! Despite the current events happening in the world, our focus remains on multifamily housing within the USA. This week, we can expect Core PPI, Core CPI, and Consumer Sentiment reports, which will keep us on our toes. In case you missed it, last week, the 10-year treasury hit another all-time high […]

Staying Focused To Succeed

Welcome to another week and the beginning of the fourth quarter. It’s amazing how quickly we’ve gotten through 2023 so far. For those of us keeping an eye on the Fed, we’re pleased to hear there may be one more interest rate increase this year, with expectations of flat to lower rates in the future. […]

Cincinnati Is Rocking The Rent Growth Stats!

I trust your week is off to a good start. The family and I returned from our Canada trip last Wednesday and it’s good to be home. They all got a nice vacation and I got a change of scenery while I was working. Sometimes a change of scenery can help clear the brain. I […]

Challenging Situation?  Face Everything And Rise

Happy Tuesday and welcome back! I hope you had a great weekend. I’ve got a lot of economic/industry data to share but am going to defer that until next week. Today I wanted to share something that I think is relevant to today’s economic situation… I know many of you are invested in multiple deals […]

Why We’re Building Now…Massive Rent Growth in 2025

Welcome back! Hope you had a great Labor Day weekend! Feels like Monday, right? Short weeks like this are always interesting – trying to cram 5 days into 4. Last week we dodged Idalia on its way up the west coast of Florida as it strengthened into a strong Cat 3 hurricane. None of our […]

The Affordability Trap

Welcome back to another week! I was doing some anecdotal research over the weekend and was surprised to see the continued strong pricing in the single-family market. It’s certainly moderated a little but nowhere near falling off a cliff. As many have noted – most folks are kind of “stuck” in their homes because they […]

Why Rent Relief Isn’t Working

Happy Tuesday! Mid August is here and with it is a massive heat wave. I couldn’t believe the other day when I looked at my weather app and it was 105 in Dallas! That’s crazy. My theory is that global warming is a Northerner conspiracy since everyone is moving to the Sun Belt and this […]

Happy Independence Day!

“A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government strong enough to take everything you have.”– Thomas Jefferson Hey, happy Independence Day! Hope you have a memorable day planned. July 4 is one of my favorite holidays to re-review history and remember the truly unusual set of minds and circumstances that […]