Far From Corporate and Far From Average

Here at REM, we want to ensure that we are more than just an organization that generates profit, but instead, a multifamily investment company that tells the stories of real people. REM wants to invite investors and employees alike into good stewardship of wealth while adding value to people’s lives. We strive to be data-driven and professional, but believe this goal is not contradictory to having an invitational and people focused culture.
A man in blue shirt talking to another person.

A Culture of Invitation and Challenge

Our culture stems from relationship development and invitation as well as challenge into growth and greater competence.
In addition, we put serious effort into creating a culture that breeds genuine human connection but also sets high standards for excellence. As a result we look for long-term, genuine, community with our employees and our investors that move up and to the right.

“In my opinion, REM embraces all the above qualities. Robert, Adam, and Bradly are very quick to recognize an accomplishment that a property has worked hard to achieve. They send words of encouragement along with sweet treats for the entire staff.â€




Regional headquarters





“As an employee of REM, I can say without hesitation, the vision that Robert, Adam, and Bradly have for REM is one filled with integrity, transparency, and a strong sense of business acumen. How they treat their employees, their investors, and the vision for future growth are my top on my list.â€


The right people have the character and competency to be the best in the business. We value qualities of integrity, honesty, responsibility, and creativity. We seek out people with the ability to adapt as the industry continues to evolve. Our people exhibit these qualities, and this has dictated our growth and operational strategy. We put people first, and we work hard to implement our strategic visions to deliver the highest value.
Not only does this culture attract like-minded people, our culture has caused every facet of our multifamily investment company to blossom and thrive.
A group of people posing for a picture.
A man standing in front of a wall with papers on it.


We emphasize the personal growth of each individual which benefits not only our company, but our limited partners as well, so we recruit top talent who maintain a life-long learner’s mindset.
We all started at the bottom at some point, and while some of us are somewhat self-taught, there’s nothing like solid training and team building to accelerate the learning curve.

Bringing the Team Together

With over 50 employees across the U.S., we wanted to get our team together for a very special event. In 2021, we had our first annual conference. Our awards dinner featured our star performers who were recognized for their leadership at the onsite level. We also celebrated the wins and losses of the year, as well as our stories of the craziest residents we came across during the year! At the conference, we shared many laughs and grew together as a multifamily investment company.
A group of people holding hands around a round object.
REM’s Team
The right people are critical to the success of a transaction
A man in a suit and tie smiling for the camera.
Robert Ritzenthaler
Managing Partner
A man in a suit and tie smiling for the camera.
Adam Beckstedt
Partner, Asset Management

Join Our Team

If you are interested in growing with us, check out our job listings below.
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